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I started filming around half 6 in the evening, I had planned on shooting earlier but unfortunately the train was cancelled and I got home an hour later. When I got home it was dark so I knew it was already going to negatively impact my work. I followed my storyboard and used the Springboard camera stand and camera to film my advert. However, the video clips didn't come out as good as I had wanted them too. The video clips was quite grainy because of the low light and it was clear they needed to be brightened in premiere pro in post. After I'd looked through what I had shot I realised that a mirror in my room had caught the reflection of the camera, so I immediately re-shot without the mirror, however even after I checked these videos and thought they were okay, I realised a day later that there was a props error and the PG tips box can be seen on the desk.

Day 1
Day 2

I looked through all the clips and I decided which ones I would like to use, then I started to place them on the timeline in premiere pro. I cut them and edited them together to form a montage. Each clip was about 2-4 seconds long, apart from the second to last one which is 9. I immediately noticed it dragged on and I am quite unhappy with it. I didn't have time to re shoot which was annoying as that clip was the clip that was supposed to bring the advert together but has now just ended up dragging it out. I have left that clip in there for now but depending on time I might have time to replace or work around it. 

After I was happy with the length and look I went straight to changing the colour and exposure to try and make my clips as bright a possible. Below shows a couple of screen grabs i took during this procedure. In the first one you can clearly see the difference the exposure and colour made on the clips. Although, I did manage to get my clips brighter the quality was still mediocre at best because it was shot in low light. Editing solved some of the problem but not all of it. 

screen grab 2.png
screen grab.png
Day 3

I took my photos of my dog for my print adverts and came across another problem. The quality of image was not as good as I wanted it to be. As I wanted the background pure white it was quite hard to find a background of my own as I couldn't bring my dog to the studio. I ended up using Adobe Light room to expose the image more, turn up the whites and blacks, and add more detail. After this I was able to bring the photo to Photoshop and start making my first print advert- The billboard. I blended the background of my image to the white background on Photoshop, I did this by using the blending tool. This also meant that I didn't have to cut out the image and risk the photo of the dog looking like a cut out.

After this I added text to the right of my image and a line in the bottom right hand corner using the text tool.

I incorporated the PG logo into my advert in the text, so you can easily tell the brand.

Finally, I added a snowflake PNG.

I used Photoshop to create a blank screen with a red text of the tag line for my advert. I swapped out the text for PG with the PG Logo. I then moved this over to premiere pro and added it onto the end of my advert. Finally I added a video transition between the last clip and the Tagline.

end of advert.png
Print advert 2.1.png
Finished Print Adverts
the other billboard thing dps.png
Final Advert 
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